Couch Logistics

Furniture Delivery Issues: Your No-Stress Survival Guide from a Couch Expert

Let's face it, after you've picked out your new couch, the waiting game for delivery can be a nail-biter. I've seen it all in my time – from late deliveries and damaged goods to wrong colors and missing pieces. It's enough to make anyone stress out. But don't worry, I'm here to share my insider tips on how to navigate the wild world of couch delivery and ensure a smooth, stress-free experience.

7 Common Couch Delivery Issues You Might Face

Delivering a couch isn’t like tossing a T-shirt in an envelope. These are big, bulky items that need special care and handling. That's the reality. Most of the time, online and brick-and-mortar stores use third-party delivery companies, which adds another layer of complexity. Throw in factors like long distances, tight schedules, and unexpected hiccups, and you’ve got a recipe for delivery drama. Below are some of the most common furniture delivery issues you might encounter:

1. Timing Delays

In my experience, late deliveries are a common frustration for furniture shoppers. You've cleared your schedule, maybe even taken a day off work, and you're eagerly awaiting your new couch's arrival...only for it to show up hours late or not at all. It's enough to make you want to scream into a throw pillow (or maybe that's just me).

The good news is, there are ways to mitigate these delays. First and foremost, if your couch is MIA, reach out to the driver directly if you have their info. They're usually the ones with the most up-to-date information on their route and any potential delays. And if you're really worried about timing, consider opting for in-stock furniture whenever possible. It's usually available for quicker delivery, so you can spend less time waiting and more time enjoying your new couch.

2. Communication Breakdowns

I can't tell you how many times I've heard stories about delivery mishaps due to poor communication. It's a real headache when you're waiting for your new couch, and the delivery company seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.

That's why I always make sure to get the delivery company's contact information and, if possible, the driver's phone number (see number one above). This way, you can proactively reach out and confirm the delivery details a day or two before the scheduled date if you wish. It's likely not necessary and it's a small step, but it can save you a lot of frustration and ensure that you're home when your couch arrives. Trust me, it's better to be safe than sorry.

3. Damaged Goods

Discovering a damaged sofa upon delivery can feel like a punch to the gut, but don't let it ruin your excitement. I've seen plenty of these situations, and it's usually a quick fix if you take the right steps. First, grab your phone and document the damage with clear photos. Then, reach out to the delivery driver right away—they're sometimes empowered to offer immediate solutions such as taking it back for a return or exchange.

If the driver can't help, don't hesitate to contact the delivery company and escalate to the retailer if needed. Remember, you're the customer, and you deserve to receive your furniture in pristine condition. Be persistent, but stay polite, and you'll usually find a solution that gets your new couch looking its best in no time.

4. Incorrect Items Delivered

We've all heard the phrase, "Measure twice, cut once." But what if you measure twice, order the right couch, and still end up with the wrong one? It's a frustrating scenario, but it happens.

If you find yourself staring at a loveseat when you were expecting a sectional (or vice versa), don't fret. Your first move should be to call the driver. Often, they're still in the area and can quickly swap out the incorrect piece for the right one. It might be on the truck! It's a much faster solution than waiting for the delivery company to reschedule a new delivery date. Remember, the sooner you contact the delivery service or driver, the better chance you have of getting the right couch delivered the same day.

5. Home Damage

I know it's stressful when your home gets dinged up during a delivery, but it's important to remember that accidents happen. Even with the most careful crews, sometimes walls get scratched or door frames get bumped while maneuvering a large sofa.

If you spot any damage, don't panic. Grab your phone and take clear photos of the affected areas. Then, contact the delivery company's supervisor directly. They're usually the ones responsible for handling these situations and can often arrange for repairs at no cost to you. It's always best to address any damage immediately so that you're not left with a repair bill you didn't expect.

6. Unprofessional Behavior

Look, most delivery crews are professional and courteous, but we've all heard the horror stories. In rare cases, you might encounter a delivery person who's having a bad day or just isn't up to par. If you ever feel uncomfortable or disrespected by a delivery person, don't hesitate to speak up to their management.

The first step is to contact the delivery company's supervisor and explain the situation. They can usually address the issue promptly and ensure that your concerns are taken seriously. If the problem is more severe, don't be afraid to reach out to the retailer where you purchased your couch. They have a vested interest in keeping customers happy and should be willing to help resolve the situation.

7. Return Complications

Returning a couch isn't always a walk in the park. It's a big piece of furniture, and the process can get complicated, especially if you didn't notice any issues until after the delivery crew has left. But don't worry, I've got your back.

The key is to remember the chain of command. First, reach out to the driver. They might be able to help right away. If not, contact the delivery company and let them know what's going on. If you're still running into roadblocks, escalate it to the retailer. They'll have the most leverage with the delivery company and can often help get things sorted out. Stay calm, be persistent, and don't give up until you're satisfied with the outcome.

couch delivery

How To Prepare For Your Furniture Delivery

Preparation is key to a smooth couch delivery. I've seen enough furniture arrive damaged or delayed to know that a little preparation goes a long way. Here are my top tips to ensure your new couch arrives safe and sound, right on time:

Measure Doorways and Spaces

Before your delivery, measure all doorways, hallways, and the space where the couch will go. Ensure the couch will fit through all entry points.

Pro Tip: Use a tape measure to check the height, width, and depth of all doorways and hallways to avoid surprises on delivery day. You want to consider all angles and mentally (or physically) map the entire path that the sofa needs to take to its new resting spot. It's also important to measure for other furniture items, including chairs, to ensure they fit through entry points and in your space.

Clear the Delivery Path

Remove any obstacles from the delivery path and decide where the new couch is going. This includes furniture, rugs, and anything else that might get in the way.

Pro Tip: Clear a wide path from the entry point to the final location of the couch to facilitate an easy and damage-free couch delivery.

Be Available

Make sure you or someone else is available during the furniture delivery window. This ensures you can communicate directly with the delivery team and inspect the couch upon arrival.

Pro Tip: Arrange your schedule to be home during the delivery window or have a trusted person available to oversee the process.

Checklist for Pre-Delivery Preparations :

  • Confirm delivery date and time with the company.

  • Ensure your phone is charged and available.

  • Prepare the space by removing obstacles.

  • Have measuring tape handy for final checks.

  • Keep a camera or phone ready to document any issues.

Confirm All Details Before Delivery Day

Double-check all delivery details a day or two before the scheduled date to avoid any last-minute surprises.

Pro Tip : If you haven't heard from them, call the delivery company to confirm the date, time, and any specific instructions for accessing your home. Take advantage of the convenience of browsing and purchasing ready-to-ship furniture to enhance your living space quickly and easily. You will be on hold for a number of minutes most likely so just plan to call at a time when you can safely multi-task while you wait.

5 Things to Remember for Hassle-Free Furniture Delivery

I hear you – the last thing you want is for your couch delivery to turn into a nightmare. But I've got a secret weapon to share: preparation! By taking a few simple steps beforehand and communicating clearly with the delivery company, you can set yourself up for a smooth and stress-free experience.

Choose a Reputable Retailer

Look for brands with good customer service and clear furniture delivery policies. Read online reviews and ask friends for recommendations to find retailers known for their smooth delivery experiences. Many reputable retailers offer a wide selection of sofa models with quick delivery options to meet your immediate furniture needs.

Proactive Communication

Regularly check in with the delivery company to confirm details and timings. Proactive communication helps ensure everyone is on the same page and can prevent misunderstandings. Don't hesitate to ask questions or clarify any concerns you may have.

Customer Service

Don't hesitate to use customer service to resolve any issues quickly. Good customer service can often expedite solutions and provide helpful insights. If a problem arises, reach out to the retailer or delivery company's customer service team as soon as possible.

Choosing Reliable Delivery Services 

Retail furniture customers typically don't get a choice of delivery carrier when buying furniture. However, in some cases, you may be in the position of scheduling or booking your own delivery provider. Even though virtually all national delivery services have terrible reviews (because inevitably only the most disgruntled customers will take the time to write them), look for delivery services with good reviews and reliable customer service.

Stay Calm

If problems arise, take a deep breath and remember that there's always a solution. Remain calm and collected when communicating with the delivery company or retailer to ensure a smoother resolution process.

sofa delivery

What to Do If Your Couch Delivery Is Late

It's couch delivery day, and you're eagerly awaiting your new couch's arrival. But the clock is ticking, and there's no sign of the delivery truck. Before you start pulling your hair out, take a deep breath and follow these steps to get your couch back on track:

1. Contact the Driver

If you have the driver's number, call them directly to get an update on the delivery status. Drivers often have the most accurate and up-to-date information about furniture delivery timings.

2. Contact the Delivery Company

When the driver is unreachable or unable to assist, your next step is to contact the delivery company's customer service line. Maintain a polite yet persistent demeanor, and don't hesitate to request a supervisor if necessary.

3. Escalate If Necessary

Don't hesitate to request speaking with a supervisor if initial attempts to resolve the delay prove fruitless. Supervisors often have more authority and can offer quicker, more effective solutions to get your delivery back on track.

Sample Script for Calling the Sofa Delivery Company

"Hi, my name is [Your Name], and I have a scheduled delivery for today. The delivery was supposed to arrive by [Time], but I haven't received it yet. Can you please provide me with an update on the delivery status?"

Recap: What To Do If You Get A Damaged Sofa

Receiving a damaged sofa can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to resolve the issue quickly:

Immediate Actions

Inspect the sofa as soon as it arrives. If you notice any damage, take clear photos and write down descriptions of the issues. Documenting the damage immediately helps build a stronger case for a replacement or repair.

Talk to the Driver

If possible, inform the driver immediately about the damage. They may be able to address it on the spot. Drivers can sometimes offer quick solutions, such as returning the damaged item and delivering a new one.

Reach Out to the Furniture Delivery Company

If the driver cannot resolve the issue, call the furniture delivery company and report the damage. Provide them with the photos and descriptions you took. Clear communication and prompt reporting can speed up the resolution process.

Get in Touch with the Couch Retailer

If the delivery company is unresponsive or unable to resolve the issue, escalate the matter to the retailer. They have more leverage and can often expedite a resolution. Retailers want to maintain their reputation and customer satisfaction, so they are usually keen to resolve such issues.

furniture delivery

The official transcript for Furniture Delivery Issues: Your No-Stress Survival Guide from a Couch Expert

Alex: So the next time you find yourself with some delivery issues, ask yourself this: is it a couch? No, it's Touro. Delivery, delivery! Hey couch crazies, it's Alex with, and we are going to talk about delivery issues today.

Delivery Issues

Alex: If you're having furniture delivered from an online brand or a brick-and-mortar brand, the likelihood is that you're having it delivered by an outside entity versus picking it up and installing it yourself. Now, with delivery, it is literally the most difficult part of the furniture industry. These are big items, and they have to travel. There can be issues with timing, communication, and damages. If one of these things happens to you, don't worry about it because there's always a solution very close at hand.

Alex: Let's say that you're waiting for a delivery, and you're sitting around all day. You have to get to work, you have to go pick up the kids, and the delivery driver isn't there. What do you do? Here's the most important thing that most people do not know about furniture delivery: 99% of it is done by a third party. If you're having an issue or something's going on with the timing, or you can't get a hold of anybody, the best thing to do is first go straight to the source. Call the delivery company because they're the ones that are going to help you solve the problem more quickly.

Alex: When I used to run a furniture brand, customers would constantly call us to ask us questions about the delivery service. So what did we do? We picked up the phone and called the delivery service. So there they created a game of telephone in a sense that doesn't really need to happen. Here are my tips to getting a hold of the delivery service the best way possible.

Call The Driver First

Alex: The first person you want to contact is actually the driver. Did the driver call you or text you? You want to kind of go straight to the source if you have an issue or if you have something about the timing. Usually, that's one of the biggest problems—understanding when your delivery is coming. If you have the driver's information, contact the driver directly. If you don't have the driver's information, I would go to the dispatch.

Call The Delivery Company Directly

Alex: If that's not possible, I would go for a supervisor at the delivery company to try to address any issues there. If that didn't work, only then would I contact the retailer that I purchased it from. Certainly, they have a lot of leverage, but you may be engaging in a game with telephone that doesn't really need to happen.

Contact Retailer Last

Alex: So let's say that the delivery team has just left, and you've noticed that there are some issues—whether it's an incorrect product or maybe, God forbid, some damage to the product or damage to your home—and you didn't get a chance to report it or deal with it while the delivery team was on-site. I would still follow the same rule of the chain of command. First, contact the drivers. They certainly have a vested interest in fixing the issue as quickly as possible.

Alex: If you have the driver's information and they have the incorrect product in your home and the correct product on their truck, you may have the best opportunity to get that correct product the same day if you contact the drivers directly. Because certainly, if you call a dispatch or general customer service, they're going to say, "We'll contact you when we can come back to your home and do the switcheroo," while the driver doesn't really want to have to do that. So they have a vested interest in solving that today.

Alex: Assuming it's something a little bit more sensitive, like the drivers or delivery team put a hole in your garage or cursed out your kids or did something that was really a little too iffy to contact them directly about, I would go straight to the next level of communication or chain of command and contact their supervisor and deal with them directly.

Alex: Now, when it comes to things like home damage, that's where the cost for a delivery company or the insurance cost can skyrocket. So they can be quite cagey about communicating directly with customers about such things. In these cases, I would recommend sometimes going directly to the retailer if it's something very dramatic or expensive or something that would create a confrontation that may compromise your ability to get the thing fixed.

Alex: The retailer you bought it from certainly does have some leverage with every delivery company that they use to make their deliveries and a vested interest in satisfying you as a customer to keep their online reputation squeaky clean. So contacting the retailer with a larger issue is never a bad idea. It's more for the things that require more of an immediate communication that contacting the retailer, who is in this case the third party when it comes to deliveries, may not be the best route to take.

Alex Back is the founder and CEO of Previously, he was the co-founder and COO of the popular furniture brand, Apt2B, which was acquired by a large US retail furniture chain in 2018. He worked to integrate Apt2B, one of the very first online furniture retailers on the Shopify platform, into the operations of the 100 year old larger business entity and was deeply immersed in the business operations of both online and brick and mortar retail for 4 years before leaving in 2023 to start Working in various parts of the furniture industry since 2004, he has 20 years experience in retail sales, e-commerce, marketing, operations, logistics and wholesale manufacturing and distribution. He has worked extensively with partners such as Costco, Bed Bath and Beyond and Amazon and his work has been highlighted in many publications such as Forbes, CNN and HGTV, among others. Alex is delighted to bring his experience and authority on couches and the furniture industry to this platform, along with many of his industry colleagues who are helping him keep the audience informed and engaged on a daily basis.

A smiling man with short brown hair and a beard stands on a beach during sunset. He is wearing a black short-sleeved shirt with small white dots. The ocean and sandy shore are in the background, creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere.
Alex Back CEO & Founder
Alex Back is the founder and CEO of Previously, he was the co-founder and COO of the popular furniture brand, Apt2B, which was acquired by a large US retail furniture chain in 2018. He worked to integrate Apt2B, one of the very first online furniture retailers on the Shopify platform, into the operations of the 100 year old larger business entity and was deeply immersed in the business operations of both online and brick and mortar retail for 4 years before leaving in 2023 to start Working in various parts of the furniture industry since 2004, he has 20 years experience in retail sales, e-commerce, marketing, operations, logistics and wholesale manufacturing and distribution. He has worked extensively with partners such as Costco, Bed Bath and Beyond and Amazon and his work has been highlighted in many publications such as Forbes, CNN and HGTV, among others. Alex is delighted to bring his experience and authority on couches and the furniture industry to this platform, along with many of his industry colleagues who are helping him keep the audience informed and engaged on a daily basis.